Sea Lark work completed
Major work, anyway. Paint and varnish, routine engine maintenance, etc. goes without saying...
Home History Work Inventory Pictures
Sea Lark was purchased with the intention of being a vehicle for me to learn about wooden boat building. It's scary to look at the list of things I've done (and the amount of money I've spent!) Still, she's in much better shape than when I bought her and I've learned a huge amount, so it's all been worth it.
Starboard plank (just above the garboard) replaced by John Zimmer at Baird Boat Yard, other misc. repairs (total ~$5000)
Running rigging replaced by Brion Toss, lazy jacks installed on the mainsail. (rigging surveyed, details here) (total ~4500)
moved aboard in the spring.
Replaced the bowsprit shrouds and served them as suggested in the rigging survey (~$300)
Removed some ballast to inspect keel bolts and found no apparent problems.
Scraped all the old bottom paint from the hull since it had grown overly thick and new paint was not properly adhering (horrible job, thankfully this shouldn't need to be done for another decade or so - just yearly bottom painting needed)
Found a rot spot in the mainmast that had spread alarmingly and I built a new spruce mast. (~$1500 in materials)
had the sails surveyed by sails northwest and a new foresail built (~$1200)
Tired of constantly renewing deck paint, I used an elastomaeric coating called "Gacodeck". (~500 in materials)
took the bowsprit and rails down to bare wood and redid the varnish
Installed an aluminium boomkin and an Aries windvane. Then decided that I didn't like the look of it and removed it again.
Built a new mainsail cover. (~300 in materials)
renewed the deck paint, added some more varnish
repaired a small rot pocket in the starboard bulwarks
replaced the foresail lacing with a set of mast hoops to make the sail easier to raise and lower. (~$200)
painting, varnishing, bottom paint
sprayed interior with concrobium to prevent mold problems. Helped a great deal for the first year, but needs to be reapplied
moved off of Sea Lark into a house with friends. 5 years of living aboard and there are things I'll miss, but I love having a garden again.
I have also added to the boat's inventory, not all of which will necessarily be sold with the boat, as described here.
Stripped paint off decks and repaired some soft spots, removed varnished fittings, masts taken down. Sea Lark has been stored safely in a boathouse at Goldstream Marina, but my restoration project has languished.